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What are Web Arts? Play of voices (dialogical nature, Bakhtin), Games of Narrations. The Maze....Music has to have structure so string, because iy's invisible and wordsless. Web requires even greater discipline -- too much power, too much freedom....
Dreams are badly written. Plots are weak and chiotics, characters are not developted (like in my writing). We don't remember dreams for the same reason we foggeting all the movies we see.
Not a website, it's only a place, but WEBSTORY -- I remember my EXPERIENCE and bookmark it to return -- but do I stay with the the images and sounds after I leave?
What are the aesthetics of the Web?
Too early to ask?
But already have rules and principles!
Interaction of many realities?
When each is a nation and we all powelful individually as tribes to fight this PURE & TOTAL WAR for attention.Do't touch!" -- the rule of the strip bar. This is COOL WAR. Fun. You have to give up and you will, I win.
Don't touch! You can't touch the creator, only his creatures.
In a possition of gods -- we, webmasters of the worlds.
God doesn't write or paint -- He makes others do it it all.
Oh, I have many characters acting as a heroes -- Rusam, Ant, Afronord, Anatoly48, Sellassie. They are dealing with readers, viewers and visitors.
How do they relate to each other?
Are there "real" people? They are mentioned. Non-fiction? but VIRTUAL IS THE FICTION. It doesn't exist outside of cyber space, like a dream doesn't exist outside of me-dreaming.
No, not visions, but dreams; it must be very personal -- for one and one only.... what is why it's open to all. How would I know who is the one? Maybe you?
@2000-2001 eTheatre