![]() notes Featured Pages : eTheatre (first page, 1998) It is almost two years ago I put together this page, while learning HTML (you see the silly graphics and sounds files on this and my old pages). Web is a sereach project in itself, but mostly I USE it for my practical needs, not as a new medium. I made this pages because of realization that Web is a dramatic medium, an electronic theatre of sorts -- eTheatre (new site). Perhaps my notes and writing on the Postmodern, which I made 5 years ago before I discovered the Net and Web, can explain why I cosider cyber space as the first trully human space. (See SELF, POV, TECH, etc.) It's theatrical because it is the SPACE of DESIRE. It has man-made origins -- and potencial of being very personal. And unlike the world of the flesh, this angelic desire has no means of fulfillment -- and there it becomes demonic. Maybe somehow my writing and web-theatre experimentation could come together in the future. The words came to its natural limits in cyber space; angel do not speak, they read each other thoughts, they see it. Identification and living the experience is where we going. The "natural" bundaries of bodies are behind us. Too bad I have no time to reread the great works of theology, we are ready to make it a reality, we are making it into OUR REALITY. Look, if you read my pages about RESURRECTION, you know that I suspect that we finally arrived to the place of KOG (Kingdom of God). I hold myself back. There is no book on philosophy of the Web Age... and I want to talk about its theology? Listen, if you read the postmodern writers, you understand that the linear time is gone. I want to talk about the theology of something which is barely exists, something which is not there yet... DIRECTORIES: ACT * DIRECT * WRITE * WEB * THEATRE * THEORY *
Links * Web * POV * Self * Tech * PostAmeriKa *
Oh please, let it all come together! The pages of writing, Virtual Theatre projects, the Web-Theatre!
I am going on several parallel tracks for many years already. When I wrote about our postmodern realities, I didn't know that I am about to build them. Yes, that is what I do day after day as a webmaster! I construct this POMO conditions.
I see differenly today the old famous motto of Marx -- it's time to change the world instead of explaining it. Yes, that is what we did by explaining the world -- we did change it! Our understanding of the universe kepp changing it! The thought is the change....
We change and we are changing. The changes in us are the biggest change the world goes through.
It's only normal that the changing in us we notice later. Much later.
We do not see the great drama, we are too inlvolved to reflect on it; we are the ACTION!
I read about the revolution in technology, information, electronics.... Some compare it with the Industrial Revolution, some with the Age of Fire, but I think we shouldn't be so hamble about our own history. I think that the postmodern thinkers are much closer in their assessments of the end of history and everything else.... they simply have to add -- and the beginning of the new.
We are going through something that can be compare only with the appearace of the humanity on this palnet. I think that we are becoming this universal force. Literary. Post-humans? Gods? Whatever. We cross the line....
Just wait and see, if you don't believe me.
Okay, see FAQ and Notes pages for details about this website, but let me explain first the nature of the web-writing.
I see my notes for myself: "What is it? A new literary form? Meshed with sounds and pictures? New literary form?"
New Genre of Literature?
What if I say that the Literature is one of many forms of Web Arts?
Never mind the printed word, the word itself came into exitence because of our for expression and communication. We do not need it! Said cinema.
Before it was said by dance and song.... moving and making sounds.
Look, you can print this page -- and you will have "hard copy".... If you understand English, you can "read"... but guess what -- you can see IT on the Web! The printed text is what it is -- the hard copy! Copy is the word. My words are not even a copy of my feelings....
I have to form them into thoughts in order for me to tell you HOW I FEEL. Do I have to? Can I let you experience my feeling directly? Or as close as possible?
I hope you understand why I call this site eTheatre. Electronic? Emotional? Theatre is nothing but EMOTIONS! That is the other word for DRAMA. Drama is experience.
Welcome to the Web!
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